Quality Assurance Unit


Faculty of Specific Education seeks to Leadership and excellence in Specific Education Field and Society Participation with belonging spirit and continues cooperation to achieve satisfaction of the beneficiaries.




Preparing Educational Cadres in Specific specializations to employ its knowledge and skills in cooperation with authorities, scientific institutions and Egyptian, Arabic and international culture in solving the common issues and presenting artistic consultants in serving scientific research and societal participation and developing the environment to face Labor Market Requirements and its variables.


  • Preparing specialized teacher for stages of pre-University education to all its levels in fields of Art Education, Music Education, Home Economics, Education Technology and that for fulfilling the need of society.
  • Preparing Artistic specialist and supervisor of School activity in general Education stages in fields of Education Technology, Education Media in its different branches.
  • Preparing student in the mentioned artistic and qualitative disciplines to be qualified artistically and educationally to deal with people with special needs of outstanding or disabled.
  • Preparing specialists in specific fields of the previous specialties which required by the local environment and emphasized by environmental development.
  • Working on raising the level of workers in the previous specific fields scientifically and professionally through various programs.
  • Conducting field and scientific research in various specialized fields in order to develop thought and practice in these fields.
  • Providing advice in Faculty work fields of various authorities and institutions.
  • Cooperation with scientific and cultural authorities and institutions at the local, Arab and International levels in solving common specialized issues.
  • Contributing in Education development in Specific fields by using specialties meet contemporary and future educational requirements.